Within the framework of the European project WeValueFood, the Food Champions Weekend took place on November 28th, the closing event of the activities coordinated by IMDEA Food and the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) with the Spanish Food Champions.
The Food Champions who have worked with IMDEA and UAM, are young scientists from different fields of knowledge related to food who have been receiving specific training on scientific dissemination and have created different communication channels through social media for this purpose. In these new online profiles, they have focused their content on promoting healthy eating and their specific knowledge in a closer way to the general population.
During the day, participants from Spain, Italy and Greece presented the activities they have developed in recent months to a panel of experts in scientific communication. After selecting a winning project, the members of the different teams participated in an online cooking master-class led by John Regefalk and Fernando Palacio, BCCInnovation R&D expert chefs. The workshop was developed using the ingredients that had been previously sent to the participants, chosen and packaged for the different elaborations that were carried out: simple and innovative recipes that covered different contemporary culinary techniques.
The day closed with a virtual workshop on beer, given by Laura Vázquez, a PhD research scientist from BCCInnovation.
For more information about the Food Champions, check out their networks:
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