ULTIMO New scientific paper on sensory analysis in the perception of wine


During wine consumption, saliva can play an important role in aroma perception. Through its multiple effects on odorant molecules (enzymatic metabolism, interaction with proteins and dilution), saliva can modify oral aroma release and the type and quantity of odorant molecules that reach the olfactory receptors.

Main objective of this research in which María Mora Gijon, Ph.D. of the sensory analysis team and collaborators, was to study the effect of individual biological factors such as sex and age on salivary flow rate and total protein content, on the retronasal perception of wine aroma and on hedonic emotional response and self-reported behavior of the consumer towards the wine.

In addition, the relationship between saliva composition, aroma perception and taste was evaluated. The results showed that age and gender influenced saliva composition and aroma perception in wine consumers for red wines, but not for white wines.

Correlation analysis confirmed the relationship between salivary flow rate and aroma perception and between salivary protein content and wine acceptability. A total of 103 volunteers participated in this study, in which not only sensory parameters were collected, but also salivary parameters.

What does the study contribute?

This study shows that differences in biological factors such as age affect salivary flow rate and total protein content, as well as the perception of black pepper and pineapple retronasal aroma in wine consumers.

Foods has published the full article and you can read it here:


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