Offering support, listening, and helping producers to evolve and thrive


Food is diversity, empowerment of small-scale farmers,the importance of connecting professionals and collaborating together and the truth as the fundamental basis for building trust are some of the topics discussed on the round table “Empowering producers to grow: challenges and opportunities” with Celia Tunc, Secretary General at Collège Culinaire de FrancePaolo Di Croce, Director General at Slow FoodBranislav Mizenko, Head of Social Programmes at TUI Care Foundation, and Aitor Arregi, chef and owner of Elkano Restaurant. The round table has been moderated by Cinta Lomba, sustainability researcher at BCC Innovation.

You can follow tomorrow’s session online 👉

Organised by World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and Basque Culinary Center, with the support of the Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y TurismoEusko Jaurlaritza - Gobierno VascoGipuzkoako Foru Aldundia - Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, Donostia-San Sebastián City Hall and Donostia Sustapena - Fomento San Sebastián.


WNWN Food Labs startupa, “Culinary Action! On the Road” Londres geldialdiko irabazlea


WNWN Food Labs (Erresuma Batuak), zeinak kakaorik gabeko txokolatea landare-jatorriko osagaietatik abiatuta egiten duen, irabazi du foodtech-startupentzako Culinary Action! On The Road nazioarteko ekintzailetza-programaren Londresen ospatu den geldialdia, University College London kidearekin antolatua. Johnny Drain doktorea, startuparen sortzaileetako bat, oso eskertuta agertu da: “Culinary Action!-en geldialdi hau irabazteak jende gehiagorengana iristen lagunduko digu”.

Cardumen Capital hirugarren funtsarekin hasi da inbertitzen, Cardumen Fund III: AgriFoodTech


Cardumen Capitalek bere hirugarren inbertsio-funtsaren lehen itxiera iragarri du, Cardumen Fund III: AgriFoodTech. Horrekin Europako eta Israelgo konpainietan inbertitzen hasiko da AgriFood sektorean. Venture Capital enpresako kudeatzaileak 30 inbertsio baino gehiago egin ditu orain arte goi-teknologiako enpresetan.