
During the weekend, from 25 to 26th of November, we celebrated the Sensory Science Hackathon at LABe–Digital Gastronomy Lab in Donostia-San Sebastián under the theme “Flavors of the World” within the Seasoned Project, an event that brought together researchers, technologists and entrepreneurs to develop innovative solutions to food sensory challenges. Thank you so much to the speakers and attendees!

In addition, we celebrated a challenge together with Carmencita. Jorge Sáez Leyva and Getulio Ribeiro Gonçalves won the prize with their innovative “Tres son Multitud” project. Congratulation!

Thank you everyone!


WNWN Food Labs startupa, “Culinary Action! On the Road” Londres geldialdiko irabazlea


WNWN Food Labs (Erresuma Batuak), zeinak kakaorik gabeko txokolatea landare-jatorriko osagaietatik abiatuta egiten duen, irabazi du foodtech-startupentzako Culinary Action! On The Road nazioarteko ekintzailetza-programaren Londresen ospatu den geldialdia, University College London kidearekin antolatua. Johnny Drain doktorea, startuparen sortzaileetako bat, oso eskertuta agertu da: “Culinary Action!-en geldialdi hau irabazteak jende gehiagorengana iristen lagunduko digu”.

Cardumen Capital hirugarren funtsarekin hasi da inbertitzen, Cardumen Fund III: AgriFoodTech


Cardumen Capitalek bere hirugarren inbertsio-funtsaren lehen itxiera iragarri du, Cardumen Fund III: AgriFoodTech. Horrekin Europako eta Israelgo konpainietan inbertitzen hasiko da AgriFood sektorean. Venture Capital enpresako kudeatzaileak 30 inbertsio baino gehiago egin ditu orain arte goi-teknologiako enpresetan.