Smart Kitchen Summit 2024


We are delighted to share the exciting news that Jose Pelaez, the Head of Digital Innovation at BCC Innovation, has joined the esteemed Advisory Council for the Smart Kitchen Summit 2024. This prestigious event is scheduled to take place in Seattle on the 4th and 5th of June.

"It's an honour to join the SKS 2024 Advisory Council and contribute with our research and perspective on the key themes and technological drivers revolutionising the gastronomy value chain. This ranges from environmental footprint and climate transition, to automation, the influence of AI in the culinary and creative fields, and the personalization of food to prevent diseases or promote healthy ageing", Jose Pelaez.

The Smart Kitchen Summit stands out as a groundbreaking executive summit dedicated to the digital transformation of the consumer meal journey. It was founded by Michael Wolf, publisher at The Spoon. The SKS Advisory Council is to assume a crucial role in delving into the themes outlined for the 2024 edition, including the influence of AI on the culinary landscape, the pressing issues of food waste and sustainability, the integration of automation in cooking processes, and the spotlight on innovative startups in the field.

More information in the following link 👉


WNWN Food Labs startupa, “Culinary Action! On the Road” Londres geldialdiko irabazlea


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