From tourist to expert in one step.
Tourism goes beyond simple visits to places. It involves understanding a location comprehensively, from climatic factors to geography and human behavior. Our program specializes in culinary tourism, offering a strategic approach aligned with the most innovative trends. The focus is on the management and design of gastronomic experiences, equipping students with the skills necessary to excel in an industry that provides increasing professional opportunities due to the growing interest in gastronomy within the tourism sector.
Located in Donostia-San Sebastián, the epicenter of culinary tourism, our master's program provides a unique opportunity to learn and work in an environment steeped in tradition and culinary culture. Pintxos, local markets, restaurants, and the quality of regional products are just a few examples of the gastronomic richness this region has to offer, and our program is the gateway to discovering it.
Practical information
Start Date: november 2024
Number of credits: 60 ECTS
Part-Time On-Site Format
Duration: 10 months in total
4 months online (november 2024 to march 2025)
3 months in-person (march to june 2025)
3 months of internships (june to september 2025)
20 Spots Available
Master 's Degree awarded by Mondragon Unibertsitatea, delivered by the Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences at Basque Culinary Center.
For inquiries and further information, please contact us at
Master'S Objectives
Design, position, and promote creative, innovative, and competitive products and experiences in Gastronomic Tourism.
Understand the operation of Gastronomic Tourism destinations.
Implement tourist and marketing plans for Gastronomic Tourism.
Address the relationship with markets to attract and establish successful and lasting relationships with gastronomic tourists.
Develop sensory skills that allow for understanding and distinguishing tasting and sensory evaluation processes.
Career Opportunities
We understand that professional opportunities can vary based on geographical location and individual preferences; however, with this program, participants can take on roles and functions in the following positions and areas:
Tourism and gastronomy advisor/consultant.
Director of tourist destinations with a gastronomic component.
Organizer of gastronomic events.
Wine tourism manager in wineries.
Tourism manager in dairies, oil mills, etc.
Travel agent in agencies specializing in gastronomic tourism.
Experience manager in hotels or hotel chains.
Guide for gastronomic tours.
Personal Experiencies
10+1 Reasons
Reasons why you should do this master’s degree
You will be part of a Master's program endorsed by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and Basque Culinary Center, renowned international authorities in tourism and gastronomy.
You will gain a knowledge-based understanding of gastronomic tourism at both national and international levels.
Your learning experience will be enriched by interactions with industry experts, and you'll receive personalized guidance from your tutor to support your progress.
You will engage in an experiential program that includes learning journeys, gastronomic activities, workshops, tastings, and more.
You will master skilled methods and contemporary techniques in the management and promotion of gastronomic tourism destinations and businesses.
You will find that this program propels your professional career, transforming you into a knowledgeable expert in gastronomic tourism and setting you apart in the current market.
You will acquire knowledge through practical cases presented by active industry professionals in an open, dynamic, and approachable format.
You will have opportunities to participate in events organized by the Faculty, such as conferences, exhibitions, and specialized congresses.
Your education will be based on a custom made model emphasizing practical learning.
You will have the chance to embark on journeys to enogastronomic destinations like La Rioja, Álava, Catalonia, Donostia-San Sebastián, and their surroundings.
Directed to
The Master's program is designed for individuals with the following profiles:
Recent graduates in Tourism, Business Administration, Marketing, Communication, Advertising, Public Relations, etc.
Professionals in the tourism industry with an interest in specializing in gastronomic tourism.
Managers and technicians responsible for tourist destinations who wish to enhance gastronomic tourism in their regions.
Professionals in Business Administration, Marketing, Communication, Advertising, and Public Relations looking to specialize in gastronomic tourism.
Professionals aiming to start a business in the field of gastronomic tourism.
Language Requirements:
Some sessions will be conducted in English, so a minimum level of B2 (upper-intermediate) English proficiency is valued.
If your profile does not align with the points above and you are interested in the Master's program, do not hesitate to apply. We will assess your education and experience and get in touch with you.
The Master's Degree study programme gives students overall competencies, supplemented with a period of work placement during which the final project is prepared.
Module 0: Sustainability and the circular economy
- The world after the pandemic: a new society
- Climate emergency and sustainability
- The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
- The circular economy
- Regeneration
- Introduction to sustainable tourism
- Sustainable tourism strategy
Module 1: Introduction to Gastronomy Tourism
- Global scenario of the tourist sector
- The gastronomy-tourism binomial
- Gastronomy tourism: conceptualisation, developments and trends
- Gastronomy tourism’s value chain at a tourist destination
- Case study of gastronomy tourism destinations and businesses
Module 2: Strategic planning of gastronomy tourism
- Strategic planning: concept and need
- Tools for diagnosis and planning
- Design of business models, products, services and customer experiences
- The management function
- Strategic planning vs. strategic marketing
Module 3: Gaining an insight into the gastronomy tourist
- Basic concepts of demand and tourist segmentation
- Profiles of gastronomy tourists. Reference surveys on gastronomy tourism demand profiles
- The gastronomy tourist’s user experience
- Methods and tools to gain an insight into the gastronomy tourist.
- Culture of service, in the pursuit of excellence
Module 4: Design of gastronomy tourism products and experiences
- Tourist experience concept.
- Components of a tourist experience.
- Gastronomy tourism experience typologies.
- Differentiation-specialisation as a strategy.
- Design of gastronomy tourism experiences, step by step.
- Case studies of noteworthy gastronomy tourism experiences.
Module 5: Gastronomy tourism marketing and branding
- Basics of tourism marketing
- Branding: Gastronomy as a positioning and brand argument
- Strategies for 360º communication and promotion of gastronomy tourism: online and offline
- Marketing strategies
- Customer loyalty strategies
Module 6: Gastronomic culture
- Food, culture and identity
- History and new trends in gastronomy
- Global and local food system
- Basic principles of sensory analysis
Module 7: Management of enogastronomic tourist destinations
- Tourist system of a gastronomy destination, tourism intelligence, planning and management
- Institutional development models and tourism policies to boost enogastronomic tourism
- Smart Tourist Destinations
- Tools and techniques to create and manage gastronomy destinations
- Gastronomic events and events to streamline gastronomy destinations
- Analyses and case studies of gastronomy destinations in Spain
- Analyses and case studies of international gastronomy destinations
Module 8: Creation and management of gastronomy tourism businesses
- Management of tourism companies
- Gastronomy tourism as a business option for foodstuff industries and businesses
- Financial management
- Gastronomy tourism as a business option for the services sector
- Communication in gastronomy tourism
- Online reputation
Master's thesis
Creation of a gastronomy tourism development and marketing plan at a certain destination from the perspective of organisation of tourism management at the destination, or a tourism development and marketing plan for a gastronomy tourism business. There is also a possibility of a research itinerary, which could focus on topics in connection with the relationships between the world of food, gastronomy and tourism, from the academic-research perspective.
The project will be presented either in situ or in a virtual format in September 2024.
Program outline
Collaboration agreements with over 700 companies and institutions working in the catering sector and tourism, among which the World Tourism Organisation, for you to carry out an internship with the institution.
Total Duration: 10 months
Number of credits: 60 ECTS
Online Academic Period: november 2024 to march 2025 (4 months)
On-site Academic Period: march to may 2025 (3 months)
Online Component: live sessions on Thursdays at 7:00 PM (CEST)
On- site Component: monday to thursday from 3:15 PM to 8:15 PM (CEST)
Curricular Internships: june to september 2025 (3 months)
*Please note that some of the learning journeys, gastronomic activities, or guest sessions may be scheduled in the morning or on different days of the week as compared to the above-mentioned timings.
The program is delivered using the "learning by doing" methodology, which is based on the idea that the best way to learn is through practical experience and direct action. Instead of focusing solely on theory and passive instruction, this methodology encourages students to acquire knowledge and skills by actively participating in practical activities and real projects.
The online component, will include live classes that include challenges, practical workshops, case studies, collaborative work, and guided learning by expert instructors.
100% designed content for online training, interdisciplinary, and applicable.
Audiovisual resources such as interviews and reports.
Weekly live classes with professors and experts,
Live working sessions guided by experts
Individual and group activities such as challenges, interactive exercises, assignments, tests, forum participation
Continuous guidance and mentoring throughout the learning process.

The on-site component, which spans three months, takes place at Basque Culinary Center (Spain). During this period, the following activities are concentrated:
- Masterclasses and seminars led by industry experts who provide firsthand insights into successful models and real experiences.
- Study of practical cases that facilitate group dynamics, debates, and reflections.
- Team activities, exercises, and challenges.
- Gastronomic activities, including tastings, workshops, and other culinary-related experiences.
- Learning journeys: gastronomic activities and visits that bring to life and complement the master's program content. Some typical destinations include:
- The Goierri region (Basque Country): visiting small producers, local markets like Ordizia, and traditional Idiazabal cheese dairies like Ondarre.
- Coastal route in the Basque Country: a boat trip along the Zumaia Flysch, a visit to a Txakoli winery, and an anchovy workshop in the port of Getaria, and more.
- La Rioja (Spain): a global reference in the world of wine. Visits to various wineries, from small traditional ones like Gomez Cruzado to large wineries like Marqués de Riscal.
- Catalonia (Spain): agrotourism venues like Els Casals, pioneering centers in gastronomic research like Fundación Alicia, and renowned gastronomic tourism cities like Girona and Barcelona, with guidance from specialized entities like the Girona Tourism Board.
Teachers and guests
Students will have the opportunity to learn from accomplished professionals in the field, recognized for their academic, intellectual, and social influence, as well as their impactful contributions. The program features a panel of instructors composed of seasoned culinary experts with specialized knowledge in the field of Gastronomy.
Master's coordinator

David has been recognized as one of the 150 most influential figures in Spanish tourism for three consecutive years. With a career spanning since 1995, he has worked across various sectors, including destination promotion, hospitality, training, and consulting. Holding a degree in Tourism Activities from the University of Deusto, a Bachelor's in Tourism from Nebrija University, and a Master's in Tourism Management from Bournemouth University, David is not only an experienced practitioner but also an educator, serving as a professor and director in various tourism and hospitality programs at different universities. As a consultant, he has been involved in a multitude of projects across Europe and Latin America, with a focus on developing gastronomic tourism since 2005. David is also an auditor for Rutas del Vino de España since 2007 and a frequent speaker at forums and events related to culinary tourism.
Profesora experta
Coordinadora técnica del Máster en Innovación y Gestión de Restaurantes. Doctora, Mención Internacional en Business Administration, MBA Executive y Master en Marketing por la Universidad del País Vasco. Adela es en la actualidad Research Fellow en la Universidad de Oxford. Con formación en Coaching en la Universidad de Nueva York y la Universidad de Stanford, es investigadora en áreas de turismo y gestión, formadora para empresas internacionales y nacionales, mentora para emprendedores en Silicon Valley y profesora invitada en varias Universidades en diversos países como Alemania, Francia, China, Reino Unido y Suiza.
Docente del área de gestión
Coordinadora del Área de negocio y docente-coach de innovación en negocio, experiencias y emprendimiento en Basque Culinary Center. Licenciada en Ciencias y Tecnología de Alimentos en la UPV y Master en Marketing Research en Johns Hopkins. Beca Fulbright (2006-7). Ha desarrollado su carrera en la promoción internacional de la gastronomía española a nivel estratégico supervisando mercados europeos y asiáticos dentro de Foods and Wines from Spain, ICEX. Disfruta con el diseño e implementación de experiencias gastronómicas como la galardonada de Bodegas Valdemar en Best Of como "Experiencia Innovadora de Turismo Vitivinícola" 2018, y la dinamización de la exposición permanente del Museo San Telmo a través de la gastronomía (2018-19). Con experiencia en consultoría en McKinsey, ha desarrollado campañas promocionales sobre gastronomía en EEUU, Irlanda y España integrando la visión económica, turística y cultural con muchos de los agentes del ecosistema gastronómico. Actualmente investiga el papel de la gastronomía en el desarrollo de una región/país y su marca desde una visión académica y consultora.
profesorado experto
Propietario de ESSENCIA wine bar & store con 12 años en el mercado. Gran conocedor de vinos y profesor universitario de cata de vinos en las diferentes Casas de Cultura de Donostia- San Sebastián. A su vez, imparte docencias como profesor en el Basque Culinary Center de Gestión de Bodega y Geografía y Vinos del Nuevo Mundo del tercer curso de Grado en Gastronomía y Artes Culinarias, así como del Máster de Sumillería y Enomarketing.
Expert collaborators
Colaboradora experta
Abogada colegiada con más de 12 años de experiencia. Ha desempeñado diversos cargos públicos y privados en el sector del turismo y comercio internacional. Ha asistido en diversos foros nacionales e internacionales como representante del Perú, participando como conferencista en temas de comercio estratégico, turismo gastronómico, promoción de la marca Perú, desarrollo turístico sustentable y más. Actualmente es Directora de la Oficina Comercial del Perú en Países Bajos (Benelux & Nordicos), en las que es responsable Comercial de Perú donde se busca la promoción y apertura de mercado en campo de comercio exterior, turismo e inversiones.
colaborador experto
Doctor en Geografía y turistólogo. Master en Gestión de Empresas Turísticas. Experto en Innovación y Gestión de Productos y Destinos Turísticos (DMO). Sommelier. En la actualidad es Director de Marketing, Experiencias e Investigación de la Agencia Catalana de Turismo y Consultor Internacional para la OMT y el WTTC en el ámbito de la gestión de destinos enogastronómicos.
Colaborador experto
President of AIDABE - Ibero-American Association of Food and Beverage Directors, Hotel and Food Service Company Director. MBA in Business Administration, specialized in Strategic Planning and Creative Thinking. With over 30 years of experience as an entrepreneur, executive, consultant, researcher, and speaker in the leisure, tourism, hospitality, and restaurant industries, both nationally and internationally.
colaborador experto
Experto en marketing turístico y de destinos. Apasionado de la innovación y la creación de productos turísticos y experiencias memorables. Docente en la Facultad de Turismo de la Universidad de Girona, el CETT en Barcelona y el Basque Culinary Center. Actualmente coordina los clubs de producto y marcas de Enogastronomía y Turismo Activo en la Agencia Catalana de Turismo. Asesor de marketing digital de Basquetour y Consultor y mentor de destinos turísticos y empresas. Considerado, por tercer año consecutivo, como uno de los “150+influyentes profesionales de Turismo en España”.
Colaboradora experta
Doctora en Competitividad Empresarial y Desarrollo Territorial, Directora y Fundadora de la firma de investigación IN2destination, Consultora experta en planificación y medición de turismo sostenible para diversos organismos multilaterales: Organización Mundial de Turismo de Naciones Unidas, Centro Internacional de Comercio (ITC) de Naciones Unidas, y numerosos proyectos INTERREG, Vice Presidenta de INRouTe y profesora en la Universidad de Deusto. A lo largo de más de 18 años ha brindado asesoramiento experto para ministerios, gobiernos regionales y locales en más de 12 países de Europa, América, Asia y África y es profesora invitada en diversas universidades europeas y sudamericanas y cuenta con numerosas publicaciones en medición del turismo, estrategia y políticas turísticas.
colaborador experto
Licenciado en Ciencias Químicas por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Máster en Alta Gestión en Política y Estrategia de los Destinos Turísticos por la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya y la OMT y Máster en Dirección y Administración de Empresas (MBA) por el IDE CESEM. Director de DINAMIZA Asesores, firma de consultoría turística, especializada en enoturismo y turismo gastronómico. Co-Fundador de Wine Tourism School. Es responsable de la Oficina Técnico Comercial de ACEVIN – Rutas del Vino de España. Ha realizado más de un centenar de proyectos para instituciones públicas (Secretaría de Estado de Turismo, TURESPAÑA, D.O. Ca Rioja, Basquetour, Madrid Destino, entre otras) y privadas: Codorniu, Finca Villacreces, Marqués del Atrio, y Finca La Estacada, entre otros. Ha colaborado en la elaboración de la Guía para el Desarrollo del Turismo Gastronómico de la OMT y el Basque Culinary Center.
Colaboradora experta
Fundadora y gerente de Clisol Turismo Agrícola. Miembro del Consejo Social de la Universidad de Almería y de la Academia Andaluza de Gastronomía y Turismo. Divulgadora científica y Profesora en los Cursos de “Emprendimiento en el Mundo Rural” del MAPA. Profesora-colaboradora de Wine Tourism School. Ha colaborado en documentales de BBC One y Discovery Channel Science. Conferenciante y ponente en Turismo Inteligente y Sostenible desde la óptica del Producto.
colaborador experto
Socio director y fundador de Vivential Value, experto en innovación en inteligencia turística para la mejora competitiva y sostenible de destinos y productos turísticos. Ha participado en el diseño de referenciales sectoriales como el iRON Índice de Reputación Online® o los Monitores de Experiencia de Visitantes en Destinos, aplicados en centenares de territorios y recursos de todos los segmenetos en España y Latinoamérica, incluidos destinos líderes en restauración, gastronomía y enoturismo.
colaborador experto
Es cofundador de la empresa de rutas gastronómicas Devour Tours activa en España y Europa. También es fundador de Spain Revealed, un canal de YouTube sobre la gastronomía y la cultura españolas con 500.000 vistas al mes. James ha escrito además varios artículos para The Guardian y The Sunday Times, y ha aparecido en la CBS, la BBC y la Sexta.
Fees / Grants
The total cost of the Master's program is €11.030, and it will be paid as follows:
€150 upon application (fully refundable in case of non-admission).
€2.720 (25% of the total) upon confirmation of admission as a reservation fee.
The remaining amount will be paid in 3 installments of €2.720 to be paid in the months of November, January, and March.
The price includes:
Access to the online training platform.
Learning journeys (transportation, visit management, accommodation, and breakfast).
Masterclasses by guest experts.
Management of curricular internships.
Participation in other activities and events organized by Basque Culinary Center.
Access to the more than 5,000 references in the Faculty Library.
Issuance and delivery of the diploma.
Basque Culinary Center has an admissions system aimed at ensuring that our students have the academic level and personal competencies necessary to successfully complete an innovative and demanding curriculum. After completing the application process, the Admissions Committee will select the admitted candidates.
Interested individuals must complete the online registration and upload a copy of their valid ID/NIE or passport for the registration to be validated. Regular registration will be available starting from December 2023.
In addition to completing the online registration, you must send the following scanned documentation to
• Academic transcript showing all grades earned to date.
• Certified photocopy of the degree or certificate from the university confirming that the studies have been completed.
• SET (European Diploma Supplement) or, if not available, Certification from the home university confirming that the student is eligible to pursue Master's studies.
• Certification from the home university confirming that the student is eligible to pursue Master's studies. This certification must be apostilled or, in the case of countries that have not signed the Hague Convention No. 12 of October 5, 1961, legalized through consular or diplomatic channels.
• Students whose native language is not English must provide official certification demonstrating that they have an English language proficiency level equal to or higher than B2 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, CEFR).
In addition to the aforementioned documentation, all registrants must also submit:
• Updated CV.
• Motivation letter for enrolling in the training program.
A personal interview will be conducted to assess the suitability of the candidate based on their motivation and learning objectives.
Admitted students will be required to pay a reservation fee of €1,000.
It is important to note that:
• The application deadline will remain open until all slots are filled. The maximum number of admitted students will be 20.
• In the case of international students, the enrollment certificate required for visa processing will be provided once the reservation fee is received.
*Note for foreign students: To study a programme with a duration of more than 90 days, students from countries outside the Schengen Area must make arrangements for a long-duration student visa to enable them to reside legally in Spain. The Faculty will provide each student with the necessary documentation to obtain the visa when the course booking has been confirmed.
Students must also comply with any other requisites stipulated by the Spanish Embassy. You can consult the entire administration process in this section for arrangements to be made before travelling.
Basque Culinary Center will provide the following academic documentation, which is necessary to obtain the visa:
Certificate of registration, signed and stamped by Basque Culinary Center
Teaching programme stamped by Basque Culinary Center
Academic calendar stamped by Basque Culinary Center
For any queries or further information, please contact
Student service

Livensa Living San Sebastian is located in the neighborhood of Ibaeta, in a quiet area and a step away from Tolosa Avenue that leads to Ondarreta beach. It is an accommodation that takes care of all the details and is designed to make you feel at home during your stay in Donostia-San Sebastian. It has spaces to relax and share time in company.
Features to highlight:
- Single rooms with full kitchen and private bathroom
- Laundry
- Gym
- Common kitchens or "txokos".
- Leisure areas: living room, games room, cinema room, etc.
- Music rehearsal rooms
- Co-working spaces
- Private parking
Take advantage of the preferential rates for Basque Culinary Center students.
More information about accommodation here
Other accommodation options
Religious residences
These types of residence are small and have restricted entrance times. The rooms can be single or double and they do not always have an ensuite bathroom. Those that offer full board may not offer all the meals at weekends. Admission to these residences entails a personal interview with the families. The prices given below are approximate.
Female residences
Residencia Compañía de María
Camino de S. Bartolomé, 24. Tel 943 464795. Regimen full board Precio aproximado €625/month
Esclavas del Sagrado Corazón
Avda. Gral. Zumalakarregi, 11. Tel 943 210800. Regimen full board Precio aproximado €580-€615/month Residents must leave the residence at weekends with the exception of examination periods.
Misioneras del Sagrado Corazón
Paseo de la Fe, 34. Tel 943 456072. Regimen full board Precio aproximado €350-€490
Residencia Villa Alaidi E.A.M.
Paseo de Heriz, 95. Tel 943 210866. Regimen half board or full board Precio aproximado from €450 to €590/month No se ofrecen comidas durante el fin de semana aunque hay una cocina a disposición de las residentes.
Residencia el Carmelo Pasión
Ilumbe, 8. Tel 943 456600. Regimen full board Precio aproximado €540-€605/month
Colegio Mayor Jaizkibel
C/ Aldapeta, 49. Tel 616 369 815. Regimen Pensión completa. Precio aproximado 932€/mes. No hay cocinas disponibles para las residentes pero las estudiantes de BCC podrán realizar prácticas de cocina.
Residencia Cet Oria
Paseo de Ayete, 25. Tel 943 242400. Regimen pensión completa. Precio aproximado 370€. El precio del alojamiento y pensión se costea trabajando en el servicio de alimentación. Admisión mediante entrevista.
Camino de S. Bartolomé, 24. Tel 943 464795. Regimen full board Precio aproximado €625/month
Avda. Gral. Zumalakarregi, 11. Tel 943 210800. Regimen full board Precio aproximado €580-€615/month Residents must leave the residence at weekends with the exception of examination periods.
Paseo de la Fe, 34. Tel 943 456072. Regimen full board Precio aproximado €350-€490
Paseo de Heriz, 95. Tel 943 210866. Regimen half board or full board Precio aproximado from €450 to €590/month No se ofrecen comidas durante el fin de semana aunque hay una cocina a disposición de las residentes.
Ilumbe, 8. Tel 943 456600. Regimen full board Precio aproximado €540-€605/month
C/ Aldapeta, 49. Tel 616 369 815. Regimen Pensión completa. Precio aproximado 932€/mes. No hay cocinas disponibles para las residentes pero las estudiantes de BCC podrán realizar prácticas de cocina.
Paseo de Ayete, 25. Tel 943 242400. Regimen pensión completa. Precio aproximado 370€. El precio del alojamiento y pensión se costea trabajando en el servicio de alimentación. Admisión mediante entrevista.
Male residences
Pº Ayete, 25. Tel 943 21000. Regimen Pensión Completa. Precio aproximado 1.055€/mes.
Pº Maddalen Jauregiberri,2. Tel 943 454400. Regimen habitación y desayuno. Precio aproximado 320€-380€/mes.
Secular residences
These are mixed and are larger than the religious residences. As a general rule, they do not have entrance times.
Mixed residences
Numad Studios
Paseo de Miramón, 162. Tel (+34) 943 56 91 28. Regimen acommodation in studio with fully furnished kitchen and private bathroom Precio aproximado desde 600€ hasta 880€/mes A tan solo un paso de Basque Culinary Center. Instalaciones equipadas con un amplio espacio de cocina dedicado a prácticas culinarias, salas de estudio, gimnasio y zona lounge para socializar con otros residentes.
Colegio Mayor Olarain
Pº Ondarreta, 24. Tel 943 003300. Regimen alojamiento y desayuno, media pensión o pensión completa Precio aproximado desde 498€ hasta 1.090€/mes. El precio incluye la limpieza del uniforme de cocina. No hay cocinas disponibles para los residentes aunque los estudiantes de BCC podrán hacer prácticas de cocina en un espacio debidamente equipado para ello.
Residencia Manuel Agud Querol
Pº Berio, 9. Tel 943 563000. Regimen alojamiento. Precio aproximado desde 403€ hasta 690€/mes. Residencia de la Universidad de País Vasco; alojan prioritariamente a los estudiantes de la UPV pero pueden tener plazas disponibles desde la reciente ampliación.
Paseo de Miramón, 162. Tel (+34) 943 56 91 28. Regimen acommodation in studio with fully furnished kitchen and private bathroom Precio aproximado desde 600€ hasta 880€/mes A tan solo un paso de Basque Culinary Center. Instalaciones equipadas con un amplio espacio de cocina dedicado a prácticas culinarias, salas de estudio, gimnasio y zona lounge para socializar con otros residentes.
Pº Ondarreta, 24. Tel 943 003300. Regimen alojamiento y desayuno, media pensión o pensión completa Precio aproximado desde 498€ hasta 1.090€/mes. El precio incluye la limpieza del uniforme de cocina. No hay cocinas disponibles para los residentes aunque los estudiantes de BCC podrán hacer prácticas de cocina en un espacio debidamente equipado para ello.
Pº Berio, 9. Tel 943 563000. Regimen alojamiento. Precio aproximado desde 403€ hasta 690€/mes. Residencia de la Universidad de País Vasco; alojan prioritariamente a los estudiantes de la UPV pero pueden tener plazas disponibles desde la reciente ampliación.
Accommodation in shared flats
Prior authorisation from interested parties, the BCC Students'Office favours contact among admitted students so that they can organise themselves to share flats. Traditionally, students have created groups in social media to contact each other. The BCC also informs students about rented flat offers that the owners send us. The average price per student in a shared flat in Donostia-San Sebastian is around €300 per month.
Procedures before travelling
Students from European Union member countries, Norway, Switzerland. Liechtenstein and Iceland will not require a visa to reside in Spain.
Other international students will have to request a long-term student visa which will allow them to reside in Spain for a period longer than 180 days.
Visas should be requested from, and issued by the Diplomatic Missions and Spanish Consul Offices abroad. It is important to obtain information on the required documentation and gather it as soon as possible, since the relevant authorities may take up to two months to notify that visas will be granted.
Once students have arrived in Donostia-San Sebastian, they have one month from the time of their arrival to request the foreign students’ card at the Foreign Residents Office in Donostia-San Sebastian. The students’ office of the BCC will provide the necessary information to students in this matter.
Sport service
Through the MU Sports Service, students can access team sports as well as individual sporting activities and Group trips (weekend skiing, surfing trips….).
Donostia-San Sebastian also has an extensive offer of municipal sporting facilities. The Kirol Txartela (sport card) permits access to all the city’s municipal facilities at a very economical price. For more information, go to the following link.
Cost of living info
Information on the COST OF LIVING in San Sebastian is given below:
The best way to move around the city is with the network of urban buses. The company which provides this service is Compañia del Tranvia de Donostia-San Sebastian.
Their web page contains all information on routes, timetables and tariffs. The web page also enables the calculation of the bus route between two points and its estimated duration.
Students can benefit from monthly season tickets which reduce the cost of travelling by bus.
Donostia - San Sebastián
Donostia-San Sebastian is the administrative capital of Gipuzkoa, one of the territories that integrates the Basque Country. There are two official languages: Spanish and Basque.
On the banks of the Bay of Biscay,, Donostia-San Sebastián is a small town within a natural framework of incomparable beauty. A holiday destination for monarchs and nobles during the Belle Epoque, Donostia-San Sebastian arose as a lordly city where tradition and modernity exist side by side.
If there is something that can compete with its spectacular beauty that is its gastronomy: cradle of the “new Basque cuisine”, Mecca of culinary avant-garde and the world capital of the pintxo, Donostia-San Sebastian is the city with the most Michelin stars per square metres in the world. The importance of its restaurants, its famous gastronomic societies and the quality of its raw material convert Donostia-San Sebastian into a gastronomic reference in the world. Not in vain, the British magazine, “Which”, chose Donostia-San Sebastian as the best gastronomic destination in the world.
Over the last few years, innovation and sustainability have been the two main pillars for the development of Donostia-San Sebastian, which has fostered an ideal city of pedestrians and bicycles.
Why study gastronomy in Donostia-San Sebastian?:
- ecause in Donostia-San Sebastian, as in the rest of the Basque Country, gastronomy forms part of society and good food is present at any event and celebration. Donostia-San Sebastian, a city of 185,000 inhabitants, has 120 gastronomic societies.
- Because four of the eight restaurants with three Michelin stars in Spain are in the Basque Country, three of them in Donostia-San Sebastian.
- Because of its cultural offer, which includes internationally renowned film and jazz festivals. Donostia-San Sebastian has been named as European Capital of Culture for 2016.
- Due to its beaches, ideal for practicing surf all year round.
- Due to its mountains, just 2.5 hours from the Pyrenees.
- Because it is a safe, accessible and welcoming city.
How to reach Donostia-San Sebastian
Donostia-San Sebastian is connected to the main Spanish cities by bus, train and plane. The airport of Donostia-San Sebastian is 20 kilometres from the city. It is a small airport with direct flights from Madrid and Barcelona. It has a bus service to the city centre. The international airport of Bilbao is one hour from Donostia-San Sebastian, and it is connected to the city with a frequent bus service from the actual airport. The international airport of Biarritz is 45 minutes away although it only offers a direct bus to Donostia-San Sebastian once a day. DISTANCE IN KMS.
- Bilbao – 99 km
- Biarritz – 50 km
- Madrid – 450 km
- Barcelona – 570 km

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