FOODRUS: Reducing food waste event, held in Spain


BCC Innovation has participated in FOODRUS: Reducing food waste event, which took place this week in Cordovilla, Navarra, and which was addressed to the different national and international agents of the food value chain.

European and national regulations and strategies for the prevention of food losses and waste were presented during the event, as well as some of the solutions developed in the framework of this European project, among many other topics that were also discussed.

“Avoiding food waste: the challenge faced by the food value chain” was the name of the round table in which Blanca López del Amo, a researcher in the Sustainability Area of BCC Innovation, participated together with several experts in areas such as waste management, logistics or distribution. Social challenges about consumer habits or the key role of innovation and new technologies in tackling these problems were some of the topics discussed at this round table.

As for our colleagues, Nahuel Pazos and Furqan Meerza, researcher chefs, hosted a cooking show focused on harnessing carrots. To that effect, they prepared several recipes such as a roasted carrot hummus, a green leaves pesto and a lacto-fermented carrot.

This event is framed within the European project FoodRUs of the Horizon2020 call, which aims to create resilient local food systems in Europe by developing various circular solutions to reduce food waste. These solutions are being tested in three pilot countries: Spain, Denmark and Slovakia.

All the details about the event here.
More information about the project here.

Mahaia Kolektiboa y Mantala Basque Gastronomy presentan los retos y líneas de trabajo de 2025 en una experiencia gastronómica única


Basque Culinary Center ha sido el escenario de una velada única donde integrantes de Mahaia Kolektiboa se han reunido para reflexionar sobre el futuro de la excelencia culinaria  y los retos de la gastronomía en Euskadi a través de una singular experiencia gastronómica. El encuentro celebrado ayer, 10 de febrero, ha representado un diálogo entre tradición e innovación que se ha expresado en cada plato.

basque culinary center

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