The Cook2DIAbeat European project challenge: Improving the eating habits of people with type 2 diabetes


At BCC Innovation we are proud to be part of Cook2DIAbeat the project which develops an educational program to help people suffering from type 2 diabetes.

The primary objective of this initiative is to improve the eating habits of people suffering from this disease while also preventing its progression. To this end, this nutritional education program aims to show them a large number of practical recommendations related to healthy eating which can help them to deal with their disease.

This project becomes particularly innovative as it involves both the patients themselves and their families in the process of creating and designing the program.

According to the latest report of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), over 530 million people worldwide suffer from this disease; a number expected to rise to 640 million by 2030. This underscores the urgency and significance of initiatives like Cook2DIAbeat.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the University of Navarra, the driving force behind this project, as well as the rest of our partners in such an inspiring project: Novo Nordisk Diabetes Foundation, Prolepsis Institute, Center for Social Innovation and European Food Information Council.

Mahaia Kolektiboa y Mantala Basque Gastronomy presentan los retos y líneas de trabajo de 2025 en una experiencia gastronómica única


Basque Culinary Center ha sido el escenario de una velada única donde integrantes de Mahaia Kolektiboa se han reunido para reflexionar sobre el futuro de la excelencia culinaria  y los retos de la gastronomía en Euskadi a través de una singular experiencia gastronómica. El encuentro celebrado ayer, 10 de febrero, ha representado un diálogo entre tradición e innovación que se ha expresado en cada plato.

basque culinary center

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