Basque Culinary Center will carry out its activity online


As reported today, March 12, the Basque Government has issued a statement establishing that teaching is temporarily suspended in educational centers, but will continue online, in the Basque Country for at least 15 days from tomorrow, Friday, March 13.

Basque Culinary Center will replace its face-to-face teaching with online classes, starting March 16. The academic activity will be carried out through different digital spaces and methodologies, maintaining the learning goals. 

Basque Culinary Center will continue with its activities, always following the recommendations prescribed by health authorities.   

Any changes to the current situation will be reported promptly.

From its conception, Basque Culinary Center has based its development in the entrepreneurial spirit of their members, in innovation, passion, excellence and commitment. We will face this challenge guided by these values. It is a challenge that involves the whole sector, to which we offer our collaboration. 

basque culinary center

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The WNWN Food Labs startup winner of the “Culinary Action! On the Road” stop in London


WNWN Food Labs (United Kingdom), the foodtech startup that foodtech startup that produces chocolate without cocoa, using plant-based ingredients, has been announced as the winner of the fourth stop of Culinary Action! On The Road, which took place in London. This international entrepreneurship program, conducted in partnership with the local partner University College London, focuses on supporting foodtech startups. Dr.