ULTIMO Participation in conference on Healthy and sustainable food systems
BCC Innovation physical-chemical laboratory team has participated on the 36th conference: EFFoST 2022: ‘Shaping the Production of Sustainable, Healthy Foods for the Future’ hosted by University College Dublin from 7 – 9 November in Dublin, Ireland.
Olaia Estrada, Ph.D and Ziortza Agirrezabala, researchers from our physical-chemical laboratory team, have attended to the conference presenting the following posters:
Spent Coffee grounds (SCGs): food waste or new ingredient for fermented beverages?
Each year the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) organises this prestigious academic food science and technology conference. Join world-renowned researchers, scientists, policy makers, professionals and students from multidisciplinary food-related fields to share the latest developments and create new partnerships.
WNWN Food Labs (United Kingdom), the foodtech startup that foodtech startup that produces chocolate without cocoa, using plant-based ingredients, has been announced as the winner of the fourth stop of Culinary Action! On The Road, which took place in London. This international entrepreneurship program, conducted in partnership with the local partner University College London, focuses on supporting foodtech startups. Dr.