BCC innova en su modelo educativo y rediseña un curso 20/21 orientado a formar a profesionales que den respuesta a los retos del sector


Basque Culinary Centerrek Gastronomia eta Sukaldaritzako Arteen Graduaren hezkuntza-eredua birdiseinatu du eta, horretarako, alderdi hauek indartu dira, besteak beste: irakaskuntzaren pertsonalizazioa, prestakuntza praktikoa, diziplinartekotasuna eta gaitasun pertsonalen garapena. Aldaketa horien xedea da etorkizuneko lider gastronomikoen prestakuntza eta gaitasunak indartzea.

20/21 ikasturtea irailaren 2an abiaraziko da. Ikasleak pixkanaka hasiko dira, eta berritasunez betetako urtea izango dute aurretik. “Lider eraldatzaile eta oihartzun handikoak” prestatzeko helburuarekin, Basque Culinary Centerreko irakasle eta ikertzaileen klaustroak graduaren hezkuntza-eredua birplanteatu du. Hainbat hilabetetan elkarrekin egindako lana izan da, eta emaitza gisa hezkuntza-eredu berritzailea lortu da, alderdi erabat metodologikoez harago doana.

Basque Culinary Centerrek sektorearen gaur egungo erronkei aurre egiten die irtenbide berriak eta diziplina anitzeko ikuspegia eskainiz. Testuinguruak oso arin eboluzionatzen du, eta ezinbestekoa da hezkuntza-ereduak eraldatzea etorkizuneko profesionalak prestatzeko. Horretarako, ikasleek inguru digital aurreratuetan lan egingo dute, eta espazioak berregokitu egin dira, helburu bikoitzarekin: batetik, edukierak murriztea eta irakaskuntza pertsonalizatua sustatzea; eta, bestetik, tresna digitalak ematea, ikasleek beren online prestakuntza indartu ahal izateko. Horrez gain, balio gehigarri handiko eduki digital berriak sortu dira, hala nola “Gastronomy Shapers”.  Eta, azkenik, ekimen berriak jarri dira martxan. “Baratzea” proiektua da adibideetako bat, zeinak elikagaien ekoizpena barne hartzen duen ikaskuntzan.     


Hezkuntza-plan berriaren helburua da ikasleek gaitasunak eskuratzea irakaskuntza-esperientzia gogoangarrien bidez. Horrela, Gastronomiarekiko pasioa garatu ahal izango dute nazioarteko mailako prestakuntza-ekosistema berezi, seguru eta aitzindari batean.

Hauxe adierazi du zentroko zuzendari Joxe Mari Aizegak: “Aurrerapauso garrantzitsua egin dugu. Pandemiaren garai honetan, Fakultateak hezkuntza-jarduerari % 100 online eusteko erronkari erantzun dio, Basque Culinary Centerreko ikasleek ikasturtea gal ez zezaten. Eta etorkizunean ere jarri dugu ardatza, eta pentsatu dugu nolakoa izan behar duen gure hezkuntza-ereduak etorkizuneko gastronomiaren profesionalak prestatzeko. Hilabete hauetan zehar, ikastegiko irakasle eta profesional askok lanean jarraitu dute hainbat arlotan, hezkuntza-eredu aurreratu eta praktikoa diseinatzeko; eta, horretarako, Basque Culinary Centerren azken 10 urteetako esperientzia hartu da oinarri”.


Hainbat hilabetetan gradua birplanteatu ondoren, Basque Culinary Centerreko irakasleen klaustroak une hau aprobetxatu du hezkuntza-eredua birdiseinatzeko. Gastronomia eta Sukaldaritzako Arteen Graduak are gehiago sakonduko du gastronomiako profesionalen gaitasun profesionaletan eta ezaugarri pertsonaletan. Aurreko hezkuntza-eredua hartu eta eboluzionatu egin da, eta balio gehigarri handiko ikaskuntza-esperientzia sortu.

Honako hauek dira curriculumaren diseinuaren ardatzak: hasteko, benetako praktikan oinarritutako ikaskuntza indartu egin da, dimentsio integral eta globalago batekin, hainbat ikuspegi batzen dituzten esperientzien bidez. Eginez ikasteak prestakuntza-denboraren % 75a hartzen du jada. Bestetik, diziplinartekotasuna sustatu da. Horretarako, eduki berriak sortu dira, ikaskuntza esanguratsuagoa izan dadin. Adibidez, aretoari, sukaldeari eta historiari buruzko tailer praktikoak sartu dira. Horrez gain, ikaskuntzaren pertsonalizazioa areagotu egin da, talde txikiagoekin, eta hautazko edukiak ere areagotu dira, ikasleek horien artean aukeratu ahal izateko. Eta, azkenik, edozein profesionalek etorkizunerako behar dituen gaitasun profesionalen, balioen eta ezaugarri pertsonalen garapenean sakondu da. Gainera, praktikak ere sustatu egin dira maila guztietan, orain arte bezala.

Eta hori guztia ebaluazio-sistema eguneratu eta eboluzionatu batekin, zeinak hiru estadio mota dituen:  irakasle-ikasle ebaluazio “tradizionala”; baterako ebaluazioa, hau da, jarduera berean parte hartu duten ikasleen arteko ebaluazioa; eta autoebaluazioa, zeinetan bakoitzak bere errendimendua ebaluatu beharko duen. Horren bidez, ikaslearen erantzukizuna sustatu egiten da bere ikaskuntza eta emaitzei dagokienez.

“Lehenengo mailan, aldez aurreko prestakuntza-eskemak hautsiko dira errotik. Horiek horrela, ardatz berri eta bateratu batekin hasiko gara hutsetik, eta irakaskuntza-modulu berriak ezarriko dira, diziplina artekoak erabat, non praktika eta teoria uztartuko diren bakoitzak eginez ikas dezan, modu pertsonalizatuan. Ikasle bakoitzak  bere ibilbidea hautatuko du, eta guztiak iritsiko dira, azkenean, helmuga berdinera; baina, bakoitza bere esperientzia pertsonalekin, ikaskuntza teoriko-praktikoaren bidez”. Pablo Orduna. Gastronomia eta Sukaldaritzako Arteen Graduko lehen mailako koordinatzailea.

 “Graduko bigarren maila aireratzeko maila da. Jarduera praktikoz betetako maila da, hala nola seihilekoko proiektua, laborategia eta “Cocinando con los chefs”(chefekin janaria prestatzen) ekimena egingo dira. Azken horretan, estatuko ospe handiko chef batek parte hartuko du, eta berak gidatuko du proiektua. Gainera, berritasun gisa, eskola pertsonalizatuak ere izango dira; hibridoak izango dira, egokitutako online prestakuntzarekin eta balio paregabea duen aurrez aurreko prestakuntzarekin”. Koro Santos. Gastronomia eta Sukaldaritzako Arteen Graduko bigarren mailako koordinatzailea.

“Hirugarren mailan berrikuntza, sormena eta  dagoeneko prestakuntza ezaugarri duen diziplinarteko zatia askoz gehiago sustatzen ahaleginduko da, benetako proiektu baten bitartez. Proiektu horretan, ikasleek askoz gehiago bultzatuko dute lan-esperientzia eta etorkizunean biziko dutenera hurbilduko dituzte”. Adrián Leoneli. Gastronomia eta Sukaldaritzako Arteen Graduko hirugarren mailako koordinatzailea.

“Laugarren maila da lan mundura atera aurreko azken urratsa, eta, horregatik, enborreko irakasgaiak ikasleari erronkak eta proiektuak bideratzeko tresnak eman ahal izateko moduan egituratu dira. Elikagaien industria espezialitatean nahiz kudeaketa eta abangoardiakoan, talde txikiagoetan lan egingo da, 5 pertsona artekoetan, irakaslearen eta ikasleen arteko elkarreragina handiagoa izan dadin eta prestakuntza lankidetzazkoa eta pertsonala izan dadin”. Jorge Bretón. Gastronomia eta Sukaldaritzako Arteen Graduko laugarren mailako koordinatzailea.



Ikasturte berriari begira, Basque Culinary Centerrek hainbat ekimen eta proiektu jarri ditu abian ikasleen esperientzia osoagoa izan dadin, diziplinarteko eta zeharkako ikuspegia indartuz.


Balio erantsi handiko eduki digital berrien artean, azpimarratzekoa da Gastronomy Shapers, online prestakuntza proposamen berritzailea. Egitasmo horretan gastronomiaren sektorearen orainaldia eta etorkizuna zehazten ari den begirada osatzen duten nazioarteko 100 adituk baino gehiagok emango dituzte hitzaldiak eta tailerrak. Besteak beste, aditu hauek: Ferran Adrià, Joan Roca, Carlo Petrini, Andoni Luis Aduriz, Alice Waters, Gaston Acurio, Dominique Crenn, Dan Barber, Mauro Colagreco, Quique Dacosta, Leonor Espinosa, Eneko Atxa, Douglas McMaster, Pablo Rivero, Kyle-Katina Connaughton, Matt Orlando, Rodolfo Guzmán, Narda Lepes, Virgilio Martinez, Manu Buffara, Antonio Bachour, Lars Williams, Janice Wong, Pitu Roca, Lynda Deakin (IDEO), Ruth Reichl (kazetari gastronomikoa), Ignacio Morgado (katedraduna, Neurozientzian aditua), Pia Sorensen (Harvard University), Cesar Vega (Gastronomica Quantum), Hiroaki Kitano (Sony Computer Science) eta Daniel Innerarity (filosofoa).


Azpimarratzeko proiektua da, halaber, “Baratzea”. Graduko ikasleentzako proiektua da, baratzean murgiltzen joan eta kontsumorako elikagaien ekoizpenaren inguruko ezagutzak eskura ditzaten, benetako ingurune batean, Basque Culinary Centerren alboan. Proiektu horretan gastronomiaren, diziplinartekotasunaren eta Basque Culinary Centerreko Garapen Iraunkorreko Plan Estrategikoaren 360º-ko ikuspegia biltzen da.



Basque Culinary Centerrek ingurune digitalak indartu ditu. Ikasteko online plataforma berria garatu du eta espazio guztiak egokitu ditu, etorkizunean egoera edozein izanda ere, ikasleek prestakuntza-esperientziarekin aurrera jarraitu ahal izatea bermatzeko. Irakaskuntza- eta ikaskuntza-metodologia berriak zehaztu dira, prestakuntza hibrido hori indartzeko xedez.


Ikasleek berrogeialdia egin behar badute, prestakuntzarekin jarraitu ahal izatea bermatze aldera, online jarraitu ahal izango dira eskolak. Gainera, prestakuntza indartuko da, errefortzuko saioekin, hala behar duten kasuetan. Prestakuntza eredua eta ikasgelak hori ahalbidetzen duten teknologiarekin prestatu dira.



Basque Culinary Center leku segurua dela eta eredu pedagogiko berrira egokitzen dela bermatzeko helburu bikoitza betetzeko asmoz, espazio guztiak birmoldatu eta egokitu dira. Segurtasun-protokoloak zehaztu dira, irakaskuntza-metodologiak birplanteatu eta espazio berriak sortu, jarduerak garatze aldera.

Besteak beste, hauek dira hartutako neurri nagusiak: edukierak murriztea; taldeak-burbuila txikiak sortzea, ikasle-taldeek beste talde batzuekin duten elkarreragina mugatzeko; pertsonen fluxua birmoldatzea (langileak eta ikasleak), hura murrizteko; espazio berriak sortzea (kafetegiko txokoa eta online prestakuntzako kabinak); eta ikasgeletako altzariak birdiseinatzea, taldeko mahaien ordez segurtasun-distantzia errespetatzen duten banakako mahaiak jarrita. Halaber, espazioak era abegikorrean apaindu dira, teknologikoki web-kameraz eta soinu-sistema aurreratuez hornituta, ikasleek eskolak aurrez aurre nahiz digitalki jaso ahal izan ditzaten. Horrela, ikasle bakoitzaren beharretara egokitu gara.

Ikasle guztiek sukaldaritza-arloko enpresetarako zehazki diseinatutako bi prestakuntza jasoko dituzte: higienearen eta elikagaien segurtasunaren arloan bat, eta COVID-19aren prebentzioarekin lotutako prozesuetara egokitzearen arloan, bestea. Protokolo horiek nahitaez bete beharko dira ikastegian. Beste neurri batzuen artean, azpimarratzekoa da NBE espezifikoak nahitaez erabili behar direla sukaldean eta aretoan; instalazioak, guneak eta materialak garbitu eta desinfektatu behar direla prestakuntza-saioak amaitutakoan; ikasgela, tailer eta espazio komun guztietan gel hidroalkoholikoa izango duten puntuak jarri direla eta 60.000 maskara baino gehiago erosi direla ikasle nahiz irakasleentzat. Hori horrela, NBEen hornidura bermatu dugu irailetik urtearen amaierara.

Chef José Andrés wins the Basque Culinary World Prize 2020


Chef José Andrés has been announced as the winner of the Basque Culinary World Prize 2020 for his World Central Kitchen (WCK) project. Andrés was chosen for providing a global and collaborative response from gastronomy to the most pressing challenge of our time: the COVID-19 pandemic.


The BCWP jury said José Andrés symbolized the efforts made by chefs around the world to the challenges posed by the crisis and embodied the collaborative action needed during such testing times.   The strength, speed and efficiency demonstrated by Andrés in the face of the COVID-19 crisis has also inspired many other professionals to launch various programmes aimed at reviving the catering sector. José Andrés has been cited as an inspiration by many of those who decided to take action in their local communities and has become a global symbol of the efforts made by chefs during the crisis.


In that sense, Andrés’s work symbolizes the efforts made by chefs around the world and embodies the actions needed during these trying times such as: facilitating access to food in regions facing shortages; managing solidarity kitchens in challenging contexts; re-establishing supply chains for small producers; providing direct support to restaurant staff as the industry’s workforce continues to struggle with the consequences of closed bars and restaurants; and simply for setting an example of cooperation and responsibility.


The strength, speed and efficiency demonstrated by José Andrés in the face of COVID-19 has become a global symbol of the efforts made by chefs during the crisis. For this reason, in addition to José Andrés, the BCWP jury also recognizes the work of 10 chefs, granting special recognition to:


Mariana Aleixo, for her work in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro with Maré de Sabores;
Elijah Amoo Addo, for projects such as Food for All Africa and Chefs on Wheels in Ghana;
Greg Baxtrom, for leading welfare drives in response to the pandemic in New York;
Simon Boyle, for providing relief to disadvantaged groups in London with Brigade;
Tracy Chang, for Off Their Plate and Project Restore Us in Cambridge, Massachusetts;
David Hertz of Gastromotiva for leading food banks and facilitating other initiatives in Brazil and Mexico; Ed Lee, for inspiring community work on behalf of restaurant employees across the United States; Juan Llorca, of Spain, for assisting parents during lockdown by providing healthy, simple recipes for children via YouTube;
Nicole Pisani, of Chefs in Schools in the UK, for providing food to disadvantaged young people while school canteens were closed.

José Andrés – a Spanish-American chef and owner of a chain of restaurants in the United States – established WCK 10 years ago, assembling chefs from around the world and mobilising them to provide a global and cooperative response to a variety of emergency situations.


He has already used his influence to support political and humanitarian causes such as helping to create food resiliency in the face of disasters in Haiti and Puerto Rico, and has spent years promoting immigration reforms and job improvements in the catering sector.  Throughout, he has been aware that the kitchen can be an engine for social change.


During the challenges created by the pandemic, WCK has played an important role. When the spread of coronavirus began to escalate in March, José Andrés took action, both in cities across the US and in Spain.  With the health crisis at its worst in Spain, WCK was running around 150 kitchens in 10 cities with the support of local chefs, food banks and the Red Cross. The organisation showed that during the pandemic it had evolved into a global collaborative initiative between chefs across the world.


As an owner of a large chain of restaurants in the United States, this Asturian chef points out that "only those who work in the restaurant sector can help revive the economy while at the same time rebuild communities." Founded ten years ago, WCK has intervened in many countries and mobilized thousands of volunteers and cooks from around the world. In addition, the chef has spent years promoting immigration reforms and workplace improvements for the restaurant sector, aware that the kitchen can be an engine of social change.


BCWP intends, in its 5th edition, to rise to the challenges that have been marked by the pandemic generated by COVID-19. Professionals from all corners of the planet have turned to finding creative solutions from gastronomy. For this reason, this year the BCWP has focused on chefs who have offered inspiring, courageous and impactful responses. Professionals in the sector who have helped to cope with a global and collective crisis. Therefore, a winner has been selected that symbolizes the response of the sector and 10 special mentions that provide valuable insight and testimony about the reaction of the sector.


The Basque Culinary World Prize is a unique €100,000 award for chefs around the world whose work has transformed society through gastronomy, and is awarded by the Basque Culinary Centre, a world leading gastronomic institution, and the Basque Government. 


The winner is chosen by a jury made up of the world's most influential chefs. Chaired by Joan Roca (El Cellar de Can Roca), the jury also included renowned names within gastronomy such as Ferrán Adrià (El Bulli Foundation), Mauro Colagreco (Mirazur), Gastón Acurio (Acurio Restaurants), Manu Buffara (Manu), Dan Barber (Blue Hill Farm), Eneko Atxa (Azurmendi), Dominique Crenn (Atelier Crenn), Andoni Luis Aduriz (Mugaritz), Enrique Olvera (Pujol),  Trine Hahnemann (Hahnemanns Køkken) and Yoshihiro Narisawa (Les Créations de Narisawa).


Joan Roca, Chair of the Prize Jury, said:

"In view of this year’s exceptional circumstances, our responsibility had to rise to the current challenges. After an intense process of reflection, we wanted to focus the award on the challenge facing the entire planet due to COVID-19­– a challenge that chef Jose Andrés has faced with courage, bravery and a titanic effort. His admirable dedication to work, his ability to deal with humanitarian crises and his present and evident leadership have served as a source of inspiration for many people who have joined its World Central Kitchen initiative around the world. It’s a project that has also made visible the work of volunteers who have turned gastronomy into a strong social tool "


Joxe Mari Aizega, Director General of the Basque Culinary Centre, said:

“A year like 2020 has put us to the test and so the Basque Culinary World Prize highlights how the sector had an important part to play in the midst of an unprecedented crisis. Chefs understood that they could harness their knowledge, leadership, entrepreneurship and creativity to help society in different ways.

“The pandemic has highlighted the contributions of our sector in its entirety, so it was not enough to announce just one winner, but to recognize, with the 10 special recognitions, the performance of exemplary professionals who have used their knowledge, creativity and will to influence in society, making the best use of the transformative capacity of gastronomy.”

Bittor Oroz, Deputy Minister of the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructure of the Basque Government, said:

“In this complex context generated by COVID-19 where the world is in the midst of an unprecedented crisis, we have opted to maintain the Basque Culinary World Prize, which is already in its 5th edition. This award reaffirms its role of identifying and promoting transformative activities that build a more sustainable world. More than ever, this year is a period where gastronomy has demonstrated its relevancy as­– despite its complexities– the industry has a pragmatic attitude for improvement. It’s a time to highlight professionalism, innovative and avant-garde character, and the supportive attitude of men and women in gastronomy. The prize­– a unique and global award– is part of the comprehensive Euskadi Basque Country strategy and aims at bringing the values​​shared by Basque society to the global stage including our work ethic, commitment, tenacity, innovative and competitive character, and equal opportunities for men and women.”



ELIJAH AMOO ADDO Food For All Afrika, Ghana

Elijah is a chef, social entrepreneur and creator of Food for All Africa in 2014, an organization dedicated mainly to feeding vulnerable children in sub-Saharan Africa and recovering surplus food provided by supermarkets and restaurants. Through projects like Chefs on Wheels, Elijah has been a vital community leader during the pandemic by distributing solidarity meals, which have been more necessary than ever since many social eateries on which hundreds of people depend are temporarily closed. The hospitality sector in Ghana, like in many other countries, was seriously affected by the pandemic. Since 40% of the workforce depends on the sector, the closure of hotels, bars and restaurants in the country meant that many struggled during the pandemic. Therefore, Elijah’s volunteering network has been critical in caring for children and young people in catering during these challenging times.


MARIANA ALEIXO Maré de Sabores, Brazil

Aleixo is a professional chef who, since 2010, has managed the Maré de Sabores programme and integrated it into the community movement known as Redes da Maré. This is an organisation that aims to provide support for the rights of those living in the 16 favelas that make up the community of Maré in Rio de Janeiro, which has a total of 140,000 inhabitants. The programme provides cooking workshops and gastronomic events for the community. The programme also runs a buffet which employs women from the parent project and offers healthy food to the community at an affordable price. During the pandemic, Maré de Sabores has had an important role in the favelas, serving as a food bank and providing solidarity meals. Alexio led and coordinated all work on food security, food management, preparation and distribution of meals. Throughout the crisis, the programme has also been at the forefront of a campaign for awareness, education and social work.



From his Brooklyn location, Greg led the New York Hospitality Coalition, a trade union coalition to exchange information and work together to put pressure on the authorities in New York to respond to the pandemic. In partnership with Maker's Mark and the Ed Lee Initiative, he transformed his Olmsted restaurant into a food bank and community support centre. Also, in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests, Baxtrom opened his Maison Yaki restaurant space to black chefs, bartenders and entrepreneurs for the foreseeable future. Baxtrom wanted to offer the space to bring awareness to the Black Lives Matter movement and those using the Maison Yaki space can serve food from the restaurant’s front window.



Simon Boyle is a chef and entrepreneur who has shown that gastronomy has much to contribute in the context of social causes. Boyle founded Beyond Food in 2011 which focuses on helping people escape poverty through culinary training and rebuilding their lives through food. The chef at social enterprise restaurant, Brigade (London) has focused his efforts on securing resources and food for vulnerable groups such as those living in shelters and homeless people in particular. The programmes focus is on breaking the cycle of homelessness, unemployment and poverty by equipping people with the basics of cooking. By providing essential culinary skills and introducing people to the benefits of fresh, healthy food, Beyond Food is helping the most vulnerable become more independent and give them a sense of belonging. Also, in collaboration with health experts as well as his restaurant team and students at the training centre, Simon has started a 24/7 emergency hotline where people can call in need of psychological help.


TRACY CHANG Off Their Plate, USA

Tracy is a chef and owner of the restaurant PAGU, located in Cambridge, USA where the majority of her employees are from immigrant backgrounds. During the coronavirus pandemic, she co-founded Off Their Plate, an initiative that aims to feed health and essential workers whilst trying to restore jobs and livelihoods of restaurant workers affected by the pandemic. Alongside Ken Oringer (chef at Little Donkey, Toro Uni and Coppa) and Natalie Guo (Harvard Medical school student), she mobilised resources around a social cause that has served to provide resources for restaurants whilst producing food mainly for hospitals. The initiative is designed to help vulnerable communities such as immigrant families that are struggling to get access to food. By partnering with restaurants, the initiative ensures that families receive nutritious food safely, served efficiently. Now Project Restore Us is working on refining and scaling the model whilst searching for multiple sources of funding. The project is sponsored by CommonWealth Kitchen.



Jon Gray, Lester Walker, Malcolm Livingston II, and Pierre Serrao are four chefs who set out on a mission to diversify the gastronomy scene and challenge stereotypes with their cooking collective Ghetto Gastro in New York. Combining art, music and social awareness, Ghetto Gastro has already offered a unique space and voice for a diverse community of young people for seven years, going beyond the catering industry by serving as a creative space that promotes inclusivity. With the ongoing pandemic and Black Lives Matter movement, the message and work of Ghetto Gastro resonates more than ever with recent events in the USA.


DAVID HERTZ Gastromotiva / Social Gastronomy Movement, Brazil

David created Gastromotiva in 2006 to help foster social inclusion in Brazil through gastronomy. The initiative offers culinary training to young people and unites many different sectors of society around the transformative power of food. Fourteen years later, and in partnership with more than 32 local organisations, Gastromotiva is now a global success with operations in Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and El Salvador. The initiative covers a number of projects such as “Gastromotiva Refettorio”, a social dining room opened in collaboration with Food For Soul in Rio de Janeiro Janeiro – which provided food for homeless people from leftovers from the Rio Olympic Village – to the launch of the Social Gastronomy Movement in 2017, a global network that brings together chefs to promote causes such as sustainable development, healthy eating and social inclusion through the power of food.


ED LEE Lee Initiative, USA

Ed is passionate about creating a fairer, more tolerant and diverse labour force and promotes issues surrounding immigration, social justice and inclusion from the kitchen. Even before the coronavirus crisis and the Black Lives Matter protests in the United States, the LEE initiative has been at the forefront of social causes. Ed’s NGO was created to promote training, mentoring and investment programmes in young talent. Initiatives such as the Restaurant Regrow Program offers immediate relief for culinary communities across Kentucky such as financial support and assistance to restaurants and food service workers that have been affected by then Covid-19 crisis. Whilst the Restaurant Workers Relief Programme has distributed 140,000 meals to unemployed workers in the catering industry with the help of local leaders in 19 cities in the United States. The creation of community kitchens helped to alleviate some of the impacts of the crisis in communities and the launch of the Reboot Relief Reboot Program helped to reactivate the base of the production chain by engaging with small producers and reconnecting broken production chains.


JUAN LLORCA Por una Escuela bien Nutrida, Spain

Juan shifted his focus from haute cuisine to an unusual challenge for a chef: transforming the food of a school canteen. Showcasing passion, tenacity and hard work, Juan managed to transform schools into a place where students enjoy and form connections to healthy food as well as study. His initiative “Por una Escuela bien Nutrida” has started a discussion about the food offered in Spanish schools, where one third of the students receive their main meal of the day. With the closure of schools during the pandemic, a lot of parents also needed support to come up with creative meal plans for their children during confinement. Juan provided food content such as healthy and easy recipe ideas via YouTube to help those who needed solutions throughout the pandemic.


NICOLE PISANI Chefs in Schools, UK

School children are one of the many groups affected by the crisis and many, especially disadvantaged children, depend largely on the food they receive in school canteens. In the face of the pandemic, children have been at risk of food insecurity or a lack of access to balanced and healthy eating. Nicole was head chef at NOPI restaurant in London, before moving on to school meals and co-founding "Chefs in Schools". Until the pandemic hit, she had focused on changing the perception of school canteens through "intervention" programs in canteens and educational methods supported by cooks across the country. However, the pandemic caused her to focus her efforts on using the resources she had to ensure children could still access and enjoy nutritious food. Her charity is working hand-in-hand with food-sharing and surplus-food charities and initiatives including Olio, The Felix Project and Magic Breakfast, as part of a huge network across London.

BCC Innovation, presents: “360º Gastronomy: Four possible post-COVID-19 scenarios for the sector"


The coronavirus crisis has made glaringly evident that we are immersed in a vast ocean of uncertainty. To address this intimidating panorama, BCC Innovation has put together a report: "360º Gastronomy: Four possible post-COVID-19 scenarios for the sector". The objective of this report is not to predict the future, but rather, to stimulate creative thinking and exploration of this complex new reality: analyzing the current socioeconomic landscape and forecasting possible outcomes for the months and years to come, after the COVID-19 crisis. It aims to offer broader perspective and reflection so that companies and actors in the gastronomy value chain can bolster their competitive edge and resilience by promoting innovative actions.

This forward-looking endeavor is founded in how the Basque Culinary Center and its Technological Center for Gastronomy, BCC Innovation, understand gastronomy. Based on our comprehensive vision, possibilities for change are analyzed throughout the value chain, including gastronomy’s interaction with other relevant sectors, such as: health care, tourism, and more.

In order to project possible future scenarios, the BCC Innovation team examined the uncertainties affecting the gastronomy sector at present, both general and specific: What kind of macroeconomic scenario will we encounter after the first wave of COVID-19? What shape will economic recovery take on: L, U, V or W? How will consumer habits change? How will all this impact business models? What new business opportunities may arise?

The authors of this report developed a methodological framework based on five critical factors affecting the socioeconomic and political context that will determine how the gastronomy sector evolves in the post-COVID-19 world. Their systematic forecasting work resulted in four different possible scenarios. Each one explores the macro socioeconomic and political context to situate the reader, and then delves into an in-depth analysis of the impacts, challenges and opportunities for the gastronomy sector in each different scenario.

The report is based on Jim Dator's “Four Futures" model, as this model observes multidimensional changes and analyzes complexity, while also generating differentiated contexts. Each resulting scenario incorporates the relevant available evidence: key factors regarding the macro scenario; the main ideas defining the particular economic, political and social context; and the implications for gastronomy (addressing the various sectors of the value chain: production, industry, distribution, commercialization and consumers – each one is characterized in each scenario).

The four possible post-COVID-19 scenarios predicted are: "Business as usual", "Stay calm and carry on", "Systemic failure", and "Lessons learned for the 21st century”.

1)    Continuity. "Business as usual": means the rapid recovery of the sector and a return to normality. This possible outcome is characterized, in terms of business operations, by major players in the gastronomy sector consolidating, open innovation processes expanding, and digitization of the sector accelerating to promote new sales avenues, personal safety and hygiene. As for the consumer, it foresees a shift in mindset wherein consumers want to “make up for lost time”. Therefore, aggressive marketing is predicted to increase demand and along with it, promote the sector’s recovery.

2)    Order and control. "Stay calm and carry on": Some speculate that there will be a prolonged period of economic and social disruption, involving further measures of control and restricted movement. This possibility is characterized, in terms of business operations, by government protectionism of key players and industries, expanding government aid, and digitization focused on ensuring traceability and promoting new online shopping experiences and at-home consumption, while simultaneously seeking to convey tangible value to consumers. The value of solidarity is also very present.

As for the consumer, there is a strong preference for moderately priced establishments and a marked return to traditional products. In this scenario, the consumer aims to strike a balance among safety, trust and the best price, preferring familiar regional brands.

3)    Collapse. "Systemic failure": This scenario involves exacerbated problems on a feed-back loop, with increasing tensions and paralyzed or overwhelmed systems.

Business operations are impacted by a restructured agricultural sector due to the lack of foreign labor, the widespread disappearance of SMEs and high unemployment, disruption of local markets due to cheaper imported foods and a reduction in the ranges of products available.

Meanwhile, consumers find themselves overcome by a general feeling of distrust. Thus, consumers limit their purchases to the bare essentials where price is the only relevant factor.

4)    Transformation. “Lessons learned for the 21st century”: This represents the most appealing possible outcome as it tackles the structural problems behind our current woes. It entails a significant shift towards sustainability and a change in business model. In this scenario, the crisis triggered by the pandemic catalyzes a complete overhaul of the sector to generate new, more resilient, fairer and sustainable systems that maintain the best practices from our past.

Regarding business operations, there would be incentives to stimulate and reactivate sustainable activities, in accordance with the https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/european-green-deal_en; this translates into new jobs and modes of operation. A business collaboration and cooperation model is established and there is a boom in local production and consumption, with an emphasis on sustainability and biodiversity. Big data and other cutting edge technologies are key to enacting this scenario.

As for the consumer, healthy consumption trends catch on: flexitarianism, alternative proteins, moderation, and DIY.

Although the likelihood of one single scenario coming completely into fruition is low, the ability to identify keys to each possible outcome and explore them in-depth allows us to approach our reality with more information and perspective. Thus, BCC Innovation is making a call for optimism - “The future belongs to daring dreamers” - to remind us all that in times of uncertainty, it is especially important to ask not only “what to do”, but also “how to do it”. Although maintaining a stable business is always the top priority, it is essential to determine which path a company wishes to follow and not miss out on new opportunities that may arise in a reality that is transforming at a dizzying pace. The “360º Gastronomy” report concludes with a series of questions that all companies should ask themselves in order to begin developing their new-world modus operandi.

The full report is available, free of charge, at BCC Innovation Website. The authors would also like to note that the BCC Technology Center has programmed different activities, such as webinars and round-table discussions, throughout the month of July to unpack the content of the report so that it may serve as a guide for all kinds of companies along the gastronomy value chain.   


BCC Innovation is the Basque Culinary Center's Technological Center for Gastronomy. Its mission is to research and generate knowledge applicable to gastronomy and culinary experiences. This knowledge is then shared with all the actors involved in the gastronomy value chain and with society as a whole.

BCC Innovation boasts a multidisciplinary team: chefs with degrees in Gastronomic Sciences; graduates and PhDs in Nutrition, Biology, Chemistry, Food Technology, Agricultural Engineering and Business Administration, among other fields. Thanks to this multidisciplinary vision and work, BCC Innovation achieves highly innovative and effective results by combining creativity and scientific-technological capabilities.

BCC Innovation's areas of research and innovation are structured as follows:

●      Culinary innovation. Designing and developing new products of high gastronomic value for the food and restaurant industries.

●      Entrepreneurship. Promoting projects that transform the gastronomy value chain and foster the creation of new technology-based companies. To this end, its flagship project, Culinary Action!, is an accelerator for gastronomy startups.

●      Technological innovation with LABe- Digital Gastronomy Lab, a living innovation lab for experimentation, co-creation, testing and increasing visibility of new products, services and experiences in gastronomy and the HORECA sector.

●      Research on gastronomy and health, and gastronomy and circular economy (sustainability). Project Gastronomia initiative stands out, whose objective is to visualize what our food system will be like in the future in order to design strategies that allow us to anticipate.

Rediseño de los espacios gastronómicos e implantaciones de protocolos COVID19


HOST 2020 empieza a calentar motores. La sexta edición del evento centrado en tendencias e innovación en sala y servicio que se celebrará en otoño, ofrecerá un pequeño "aperitivo" digital el próximo 6 de julio para poner el foco en el "Rediseño de los espacios gastronómicos e implantaciones de protocolos COVID19", de la mano de los expertos Juan Luis Medina (Madrid in Love), Ned Caperelis (Director Hotel Maria Cristina The luxury collection Donostia), Miguel Ángel López (Profesor área ciencia BCC) y Dimitris Leivadas (Delta Lambda Hospitality).

Dado el impacto que la COVID-19 ha tenido en la economía, y más especialmente en el mundo de la hostelería, nos gustaría contar con diferentes expertos para abordarla gestión de espacios de restauración en esta nueva situación y qué medidas concretas se aplican en algunos sectores.

Juan Luis Medina

Con las medidas que debemos adaptar para esta nueva situación, Juan Luis Medina, el creador del exitoso “Madrid in Love”, contará cómo un estudio de arquitectura se prepara para ello, cuál es su visión de cara a nuevos proyectos y si los proyectos actuales que tienen en marcha han sufrido modificaciones debido a las restricciones actuales.

Miguel Ángel López

Como experto en higiene y seguridad alimentaria, Miguel Ángel Lopez, de Basque Culinary Center ofrecerá una visión clara de cómo afecta la COVID19, qué medidas debemos adoptar en la sala y qué debe proyectar el restaurante para ganarse la confianza de una persona. ¿Qué riesgos tenemos, además de los tradicionales de la cocina, con la COVID19 y qué problemática presentan? ¿Qué medidas debemos adoptar desde la sala?

Ned Caparelis

Como director del Hotel María Cristina, un lujoso y céntrico alojamiento de cinco estrellas ubicado en Donosia-San Sebastian, Ned relatará cómo ha sido el implementar el protocolo

en su establecimiento, qué variaciones han sufrido estos protocolos y cómo lo ha interiorizado el equipo.

Dimitris Leivadas

Con numerosos proyectos a nivel internacional, queremos que nos cuente cómo va a afectar esta situación a los protocolos tradicionales de sala, en qué van a variar y en qué debemos invertir desde la sala con esta nueva situación. ¿En qué debemos invertir en la sala? ¿Cómo va a afectar esta situación a los protocolos tradicionales o a las nuevas aperturas?


17:00 Bienvenida e Introducción

Joxe Mari Aizega (BCC) y Maddi Echeverria (BCC)

17:10 Entrevista a Juan Luis Medina (Madrid in Love) por Maddi Echeverría

17:30 Entrevista a Dimitris Leivadas (Delta Lambda Hospitality) por Gonzalo Parras

17:50 Entrevista a Ned Caperelis (Hotel Maria Cristina) por Maddi Echeverría

18:10 Entrevista a Miguel Ángel López (BCC) por Gonzalo Parras

18:30 Cierre



ULTIMO Gastronomy 360º: Four post COVID-19 scenarios


What macroeconomic scenario will we find after the first COVID-19 wave? Will the crisis come out in the form of an L, U, V or W? How will the consumer change? How will all this impact on the models of business of companies ?, what new business opportunities may arise?

These are some of the uncertainties that we take as a reference at BCC Innovation to present this report, which does not seek to predict the future, but rather to help think and explore the complexity of these new contexts, analyzing the current socioeconomic panorama and projecting scenarios for the months and years after the COVID-19 context. It is about providing vision and reflection so that companies and actors in the gastronomy value chain strengthen their competitiveness and resilience by promoting innovative actions. After prioritizing the stabilization of the company, it is important to understand what path we want to follow at the business level and not lose sight of new opportunities in realities that are transforming at a dizzying pace.

We have built this prospective exercise based on the understanding of the gastronomy of the Basque Culinary Center and we, BCC Innovation, as a Technological Center specialized in Gastronomy. Starting from this comprehensive vision, possible changes are analyzed throughout the value chain, including its interaction with other relevant sectors, among others: health, tourism, etc. Based on Jim Dator's “Four Futures” model, we present 4 possible post-COVID-19 scenarios:

  • Continuation scenario: "Business as usual"
  • Discipline scenario: "Keep calm, carry on"
  • Colapse scenario: "Systemic failure"
  • Transformation scenario: "Leasons learned "

Here you can download the report to see its full description of the four: the clues, the keys to the macro scenario, main ideas of each particular economic, political and social context, the implications in gastronomy, focusing on the different sectors of the chain of value: production, industry, distribution, commercialization and consumers, defined for each scenario.

At the end of the report, its authors (Estefanía Simón-Sasyk, Blanca del Noval and Paula Torán Pereg, researchers and chefs at BCC Innovation who develop gastronomy strategy projects for companies and international public administrations with a focus on sustainability and value generation with impact intergenerational) remind us that “The future belongs to those who dare to dream it. In times of uncertainty, it becomes especially important, not only the "what to do", but the "how".

ULTIMO Gonzalo D'Ambrosio visits BCC Innovation for his program on La 2 de RTVE


The well-known chef and television presenter visited us a few months ago and in this edition of "The D'Ambrosio routes" we have the pleasure of telling him from our home who we are and what we do in the 1st Technological Center in Gastronomy in the world:

Vídeo aquí

Basque Culinary Center presenta “Gastronomy Shapers” una innovadora propuesta formativa con más de 100 expertos internacionales


Basque Culinary Center refuerza su rol de institución pionera a nivel internacional presentando “Gastronomy Shapers” una iniciativa formativa online en la que participarán más de 100 expertos/as multidisciplinares de la gastronomía internacional y que, a lo largo de un año, abordará las temáticas que conforman la realidad actual y futura de la gastronomía.

Se trata de un programa precursor que combina el modelo académico de la Facultad, basado en una metodología práctica y experiencial con la visión y reflexiones de más de 100 profesionales gastronómicos de primer nivel. Los/as “Gastronomy Shapers” que participan en la iniciativa conforman una mirada que está definiendo el presente y futuro del sector.

Las temáticas que se tratarán en las conferencias abarcan una amplia realidad de la actualidad gastronómica. En el área de Cocina, se abordarán temáticas como: la creatividad, la sostenibilidad, el zero waste, la puesta en valor del producto, las técnicas,  el desarrollo de cocinas de identidad cultural, la investigación  e innovación culinaria, etc. Además también habrá cursos y conferencias sobre pastelería, servicio y sala, coctelería, gestión empresarial, ciencia y cocina, innovación alimentaria y cultura y sociedad.  

Chefs y expertos/as de renombre internacional entre los que se encuentran: Ferran Adriá, Joan Roca, Carlo Petrini, Andoni Luis Aduriz, Alice Waters, Gastón Acurio, Dominique Crenn, Dan Barber, Mauro Colagreco, Quique Dacosta, Leonor Espinosa, Eneko Atxa, Douglas McMaster, Pablo Rivero, Kyle-Katina Connaughton, Matt Orlando, Rodolfo Guzman , Narda Lepes, Virgilio Martínez, Manu Buffara, Antonio Bachour, Lars Williams, Janice Wong, Pitu Roca, Lynda Deakin (IDEO), Ruth Rachel (periodista gastronómica), Ignacio Morgado (Catedrático, Experto en Neurociencia), Pia Sorensen (Harvard University), Cesar Vega (Gastronomica Quantum), Hiroaki Kitano (Sony Computer Science) y Daniel Innerarity (Filósofo) serán algunos de los expertos que participarán en el proyecto. La lista de los participantes se irá completando e incrementando a lo largo de los próximos meses.

El trabajo en cada módulo comenzará con una preparación por parte del estudiante de cada temática, a través de contenido multimedia se empapará de la visión y trayectoria del experto. Tras ello, tendrá lugar un encuentro con cada experto/a, una sesión donde compartir reflexiones y poder lanzar preguntas.

Todas las ponencias se desarrollarán vía Zoom Academy y los/as estudiantes accederán a los contenidos específicos a través de la plataforma elearning de la Facultad. Será un espacio al que tendrán acceso todos los y las estudiantes de grado y de diferentes cursos y másteres y antiguos alumnos/as, que enriquecerán su formación gracias al acceso a contenidos exclusivos. Tras las sesiones en directo, las conferencias se publicarán en abierto en la web de Basque Culinary Center. 

En los últimos años, la gastronomía ha adquirido una dimensión global y se ha convertido en un fenómeno innovador, este año el sector se ha visto fuertemente impactado debido a la pandemia generada por el Coronavirus. Ante esta situación, Basque Culinary Center ha decidido no parar y seguir trabajando para buscar nuevas soluciones y vías para continuar con la formación e investigación gastronómica, así como para adaptar, reinventar y cohesionar un sector y una comunidad fracturada, y enriquecer la oferta formativa de sus estudiantes.

Para Basque Culinary Center es tiempo de reflexionar, de ser flexibles, creativos, de adaptarse, de  innovar y emprender de lo que han aprendido de la tecnología, y quiere seguir utilizándose para proporcionar lo mejor a sus estudiantes y a los profesionales del sector. Es por ello por lo que desde esa experiencia, y desde la firme convicción de continuar contribuyendo a la gastronomía y a la formación de las futuras generaciones, Basque Culinary Center ha querido impulsar este nuevo proyecto. 

ULTIMO Covid19 Food hygiene and safety guidelines in restaurants


To support hotel and restaurant professionals with their hygiene and safety practices in the COVID-19 situation, Araven has prepared with the collaboration of BCC Innovation five guides that focus on the importance of hygiene and food safety in this sector.

This project is additional to Araven’s sponsorship of the “Food hygiene and safety guidelines” published by the Basque Culinary Center and Euro-Toques.

This initiative clearly highlights the commitment of both institutions to help catering businesses improve their health and safety measures, by proposing general and specific hygiene and food safety measures applicable in restaurants that will help them regain the confidence and trust of their customers.

Evento digital: Culinary Connection: Tiempo de Transformaciones


Basque Culinary Center, en colaboración con Ñam Chile, organiza el próximo miércoles, 17 de junio, de 16:00 a 19:00 pm (España·CEST) // 10:00 a 1:00 pm (Chile·GMT-4) un evento online enmarcado en Culinary Connection, una iniciativa de Basque Culinary Center orientada a incentivar el diálogo y la reflexión entre profesionales del sector.

El objetivo de Culinary Connection es compartir los conocimientos, las transformaciones   y los valores que se han generado en la cocina internacional en este periodo, con el fin de consolidar una comunidad culinaria global que comparta estos mismos valores y pueda avanzar en conjunto ante esta situación sin precedentes.

La edición de Culinary Connection Chile se organiza en colaboración con Ñam, una plataforma de contenidos responsable de organizar el festival gastronómico más relevante en Chile, y uno de los más importantes de Latinoamérica. En esta ocasión, se reflexionará sobre los cambios a los que se enfrenta la restauración, como uno de los sectores más afectados en el marco de la pandemia y al conjunto de desafíos inmediatos a los que se enfrenta. Retos tales como el cierre temporal de establecimientos y fronteras, a rupturas en cadenas de suministro, transformaciones de dinámicas internas y externas, retos sociales tan abruptos como el hambre, que apuntan a un nuevo rol de cocinas y chefs. El encuentro unirá y presentará voces de España y Latinoamérica en temas específicos de distintas áreas, tratando de dar a conocer visiones y acciones frente a diversas áreas de la restauración actual. 

Culinary Connection Chile: Tiempo de Transformaciones, se dividirá en tres bloques temáticos: “Un desafio sin precedentes”, “Apuesta a domicilio” y “¿Cómo me preparo para reabrir?” y contará con expertos/as internacionales tan relevantes como Germán Martitegui (Tegui, Argentina), Pitu Roca (Celler de Can Roca, España), Leonor Espinosa (Mi cocina en tu casa, Colombia), Rodolfo Guzmán (Boragó, Chile), Pia León (Mayo/ Kjolle, Perú), Benjamín Nast (De Calle, Chile), Nino Redruello (La Ancha, España), Elena Reygadas (Rosetta, México) y Francís Paniego )Echaurren, España), entre otros/as. El encuentro intentará dar respuesta a cuestiones como ¿qué está pasando en el sector y sobre qué piensa?, ¿es el reparto a domicilio la respuesta inmediata para seguir funcionando en el cambio de formato social que impone y condiciona la pandemia?, ¿cuáles son las fórmulas para superar la contingencia económica y social?


PROGRAMA: Culinary Connection Chile: Tiempo de transformaciones 

Palabras de Carolina Silva, Ñam Chile y Joxe Marí Aizega, Basque Culinary Center.


Moderación: Ana María Rivero, Ñam Chile.

·       Pitu Roca, Celler de Can Roca, España, y Marcelo Cicali, Bar Liguria, Chile.

·       Pilar Rodríguez, Food & Wine Studio, Chile.

·       Francisca Diban, Comida para todos, Chile.

·       Rodolfo Guzmán, Boragó, Chile.

·       Pía León, Mayo/ Kjolle, Perú.


Moderación: Raquel Telias, Ñam Chile.

·       Germán Martitegui, Tegui, Argentina.

·       Leonor Espinosa, Mi cocina en tu casa, Colombia.

·       Benjamín Nast, De Calle, Chile.


Moderación: Sasha Correa, Basque Culinary Center.

·       Miguel Ángel López, Basque Culinary Center, España.

·       Elena Reygadas, Rosetta, México. 

·       Nino Redruello, La Ancha, España.

·       Francis Paniego, Echaurren, España.

El evento virtual podrá verse vía Zoom en el siguiente enlace:   https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rlgOWNhgSyieZjXXTu4U7A

ULTIMO Resumen de la mesa redonda online post-covid con Eroski, Mahou San Miguel, Martiko, Covap y Onnera Group


Nuestro entorno ha cambiado de forma radical en unas pocas semanas. El informe que publicó en enero el World Economic Forum clasificaba los Riesgos globales para 2020 sí identificó esta pandemia como un posible cisne negro con alto impacto, pero eso sí, de baja probabilidad. Este tsunami no nos pilla preparados y transforma nuestra sociedad y todos sus sectores. Aunque cada eslabón de la cadena de cadena de valor gastroalimentaria está surfeando la ola desde realidades muy diferentes, todas lo hacen con muchas dosis de creatividad y compromiso.  

A través de citas literales durante la mesa redonda online del 14 de mayo, recopilamos una lista de los ingredientes para la receta post-covid del sector más repetidos por los 5 ponentes que conversaron con Begoña Rodríguez, Directora de BCCInnovation: 


Personas en el centro: “Empleados felices = clientes felices

Debemos generar contextos empresariales para que aflore el talento. En estos momentos es cuando nos damos cuenta de que la tensión y la exigencia hacen que salga lo mejor de nosotros, y tenemos la responsabilidad de generar que eso fluya y surja. Fidelizar de verdad es el contacto con las personas en el punto de venta, que son las que con su compromiso y empatía llegan de verdad al cliente. Esto no se puede protocolizar y hay que generar un contexto para empoderarlas para cubrir la satisfacción del cliente

Enrique Monzonis, Director de Innovación y Transformación Digital de Eroski 


Nuevos escenarios = nuevos consumidores 

Los consumidores han cambiado los momentos de consumo. Ojalá la hostelería recupere el nivel de servicio anterior, pero tenemos que ser conscientes de que muchos momentos se han trasladado al hogar. Por eso, estamos acelerando el diseño de nuevas experiencias, así como nuevos envases sostenibles. Marketing, marketing, marketing, y comunicación con los clientes. Es vital estar cerca de ellos porque nuestros clientes son parte de nuestra familia…para demostrarles que estamos en las buenas y en las malas. Han sido momentos de mucha incertidumbre, pero muy dinámicos. No hemos parado. Esta situación tensa nos ha llevado a saber que sí somos ágiles

Maite BazánDirectora de Exportación y Marketing de Martiko


Esencia a largo plazo 

En momentos de alta incertidumbre, es importante actuar en base a los valores, apoyarse en la esencia de la compañía, a la filosofía que te ha permitido ser líder en el sector, con visión en decisiones en el largo plazo. Esta visión a largo plazo por la cual durante los 2 últimos años hemos invertido en digitalización e innovación, es lo que nos ha permitido ofrecer apoyo a todo tipo de clientes, a la hostelería con Rentabilibar, e incluso ofrecer ocio en los hogares con streamings en instagram de catas de cervezas, y que con nuestra plataforma de venta en 1 mes seamos capaces de batir el objetivo de todo el año

Guillermo Arrieta, Director de Desarrollo Comercial y Marketing de Clientes de Mahou San Miguel 


Velocidad vs. robustez 

En nuestro sector antes era impensable crear un producto en 2 meses y ahora hemos sido capaces. Aprendemos nuevas metodologías cada día. En la distancia, sí, pero juntos, con el cliente y aprendiendo día a día, para aportar valor de verdad al sector

Francisco Javier Sánchez, Director ComercialOnnera Group Fagor


Sostenibilidad de toda la cadena de valor 

La innovación es necesaria siempre pero ahora hay que correr más, y hay que innovar de forma holística, no solo diversificando el portafolio de productos, sino transformando la manera de hacer las cosas: nosotros hemos adaptando productos actuales a las nuevas demandas de los consumidores ahora preocupados por su inmunidad y hemos impactado en la cadena primaria para trasladar esos beneficios de los productos directamente al ganadero; también hemos transformado procesos y eficiencia en producción. Tenemos que producir de modo sostenible para todos los eslabones de la cadena, porque todos los movimientos tienen que ser sostenibles para todos… desde el consumidor hasta el productor. Cada vez vamos a ver más soluciones que cambien 2 cosas al mismo tiempo, la sostenibilidad y la eficiencia

Rafael Guerrero, Director Comercial de COVAP


En este vídeo de Youtube puedes revivir la sesión completa:
