BCCInnovation participates in NUTRACEUTICAL OMNIUM project, which aims to create a new company specialized in the production of Nutraceuticals from food waste. Thus, NUTRACEUTICAL OMNIUM is a R&D project, and an innovation and promotion of a new business activity focused on developing high added-value products (nutraceuticals) from food discards. The project is being conducted by a consortium which includes Ausolan, Eroski, Gaiker IK4, Basque Culinary Center and ISEA.
The raw materials for the nutraceuticals are different food wastes. The European Commission (EC) estimates that every year more than 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted (1/3 of the world’s production) and aims to reduce 30 % of food waste by 2025, compared to 2014, and leave it in 50 % by 2030. Food waste is essentially related to defficient buying and consumption habits, as well as inadequate food management and handling.
BCCInnovation collaborates in this project with the development of new foods, which include the nutraceuticals, taking into consideration consumers’ needs and expecations (consumers’ center design process).
The project is being financially supported by the Department of Economic Development and Competitiveness of the Basque Government through the Hazitek-2019 Program.