In Gipuzkoa the population over the age of 55 is 1/3 of the total, and it is foreseen that in 10 years time almost half of the Basque population will be over 55. It is a clear example of the inversion of the European population pyramid that we will see in the near future. The population over the age of 55, like other segments, is diverse: people with their own history, life experiences, needs and a variety of ways of ageing who express desires, expectations and tastes that deserve to be researched in depth. Without forgetting either that nowadays age is not a homogenising factor and that the concept of old age is changing, requiring a reinvention of what we understand as old age: Who will be the older people of the future and what will they be like, if today a 65-year-old person does not feel old?
The Adinduak Alimentación project seeks to explore the different segments within this population group in Gipuzkoa, ascertaining their expectations, tastes and needs in terms of nutrition, in order to design tailored products and solutions that improve their quality of life and well-being. Aiding the development of the project is the Nutrition and Obesity group from the UPV/EHU, a member of CIBERobn, and the Donostia/San Sebastian City Council is collaborating through the Donostia Lagunkoia City Plan, as is AITA MENNI.